Ok, one of my fave tags is what's in your bag? I admit, i am a nosey person and i am always curious to see what other girls put in their bags as i know i pack everything but the kitchen sink in mine. Here goes my bag of the moment:

Loeffler Randall for Target, bought it over a year ago and i LOOVE it. It's one of my cheapest bags and it looks gorgeous.
looks full huh? told you i pack alot in it! i am going to take a couple of pictures as there is alot of stuff in it.

Ok so i have a rip out of Revlon polishes i was searching for, bills (ughh!) and under that you can see the spine of my lovely notebook, a magazine

My makeup bag: tic tacs, maybelline shinylicious gloss: Caramella, red pen, tissues, mirror, hair ties, hair clips, VS beauty rush gloss: Strawberry Fizz.

Headband, orbit gum, 3 pens, 3 blistex moisturizer w/ SPF15 (i am obsessed with it can you tell?), tissues, my keys, starbucks napkins (under the keys), Nature Valley Granola bar w/ strawberry yogurt, BB curve, Altoid mini's, Baby lotion
Almost done ladies

Ice Breakers Ice cubes gum, a mint, silver hoop earrings, change, my wallet, Palmers Cocoa Butter cream (very moisturizing and good for the hands), Mag page on some cute watches, post its, and more napkins (another obsession of mine).
Thats it! also i feel ihave to explain my obsessions so you don't think i'm a nut.
Napkins: I get very hot in the summer and i sweat (sorry for the tmi), i always keep napkins around basically to dab myself on. And in the winter if i have to blow my nose and im out of tissues then the napkins are there to save the day.
Pens: you know how there's never a pen around when you need one? well thats why i have so many in my bag. There's also a pen in the spine of my notepad which i forgot to point out. I actually removed pens from my bag last week so this is very minimal for me.
Blistex: i hate hate hate dry lips. And this product mositurizes, has SPF, and give a hint of shine.
So i am going to tag the following people to do a post of their own, i cant wait to see ladies!
Kawaii Sweetz
The Fashionist