Obviously i have lost my marbles and just gone retail therapy crazy. Alot of it is due to stress at work and my needing a stress relief which of course lead to my shopping like no one's business. I have to say though, the damage from this nail polish haul is not as bad as one would think, i got all these polishes for about $48 which is a great deal (or so i tell myself). Also i have to credit 2 onsugar lovelies: CCee and Retail_therapy for their nail polish posts and swatches on China Glaze which caused me to want damn near every color that they produce. Their posts are great visual references so thanks ladies!
9 China Glaze polishes total + one from some random brand. ok so not like a crazy amount of polish but its not a small haul by any means!
Summer Rain, Moonlight, Spontaneous, Reggae to Riches
Caribbean Tempation, Rich & Famous, Turned Up Turqouise, Sexy in the City, For Audrey, Stripe Rite - Black
And here are the swatches from my MAC haul (here) I wanted to show them in natural light but of course my crappy cam doesnt catch the true beauty of the colors.
Paintpot - Indianwood, a lovely bronzy/neutral color
Sumptous Olive
Electric Eel
Deep Truth (i literally dabbed my finger one time on it so the color is faint on my finger)
I will do some swatches of the nail polish for you guys a little later in the week. I am going to spend the weekend playing with all my new products, and i actually have a few more items to post but i am kinda embarassed at all the stuff i bought so i am going to a seperate haul post as those items alittle later.
Ta Ta for now.